General Policy

RSVR Tech is committed to maintaining the highest level of professionalism and ethical standards. We adhere to a strict code of conduct and a comprehensive set of policies to ensure transparency, fairness, and integrity in all our business dealings.

Investment Policy

As an Angel Investor, we focus on early-stage startups that show significant promise in technological innovation. Our investment decisions are guided by a rigorous due diligence process that assesses market potential, scalability, business model, management team, and the unique value proposition of the company. We strive to provide more than just funding; we offer our portfolio companies strategic guidance, mentorship, and access to our wide-ranging network.

Confidentiality Policy

We understand the sensitivity of the information shared with us during the investment process. As such, all discussions, financials, proprietary information, business models, and strategies disclosed during our engagement are kept strictly confidential.

Conflict of Interest Policy

We are dedicated to avoiding any potential conflicts of interest. Should there be a situation where a conflict could arise, it will be promptly disclosed to all concerned parties.

Non-Discrimination Policy

RSVR Tech is an equal opportunity investor. We base our investment decisions on the merit of the startups and do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, disability, or any other legally protected status.

Anti-Corruption Policy

We have a zero-tolerance policy for corruption or bribery in any form. All our transactions are transparent, and we expect the same level of integrity from the startups we work with.

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting the personal data we hold. We comply with all relevant data protection laws in our collection, use, and retention of personal data.

Please note that this policy may be updated from time to time to reflect changes in law, best practices or our internal procedures. You are encouraged to check this page periodically for any changes.

For any questions or concerns about these policies, please contact us at


The content of this policy does not constitute legal advice, and specific advice should be sought from a professional advisor. RSVR Tech accepts no responsibility for loss which may arise from reliance on information contained on this site.